
Klientide tagasiside ja kogemused

Vajasime superviisori abi toetuste haldurite toetamiseks. Nad teavad Eestimaa suurperede probleeme ja elavad oma tööd tehes neile kaasa. Meil oli pikk ja põhjalik eelkohtumine ja viis rühmakohtumist. Lisaks said kolm inimest võimaluse olla Kaidiga kahekesi ja rääkida asjadest, mis grupis varjule jäid. Olime lõpukokkuvõtet tehes ühel meelel – igaüks meist sai supervisioonist niipalju kasu, et soov on jätkata sealt, kuhu me viimasel korral jõudsime. Ja ikka koos Kaidiga!

Rita Noormägi, büroojuht

KredEx SA
  • 10 points! I definitely felt that I got closer to my colleagues after this session.
  • Really good exercises to learn more about each other on a more personal level. She was also good in presenting and providing good energy in the room!
  • I think Kaidi did a good work with easy exercises.
 Fun and good way of getting to know each other better!
  • Good work and good to explain the different tasks in an easy understanding way.
  • Powerful exercises carried out in very good way.

Connected Devices and Supply Chain Team

Eesti Telekom AS


I had the pleasure of attending Kaidi Peets presentation on the GROW Model of coaching at the 5th Annual Peer Support Symposium in June 2013. Kaidi was enthusiastic, knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter, and helped the attendees to feel the same. I very much appreciated that she had us try out the methods she was teaching, giving us the experience of using the coaching method and of being coached. I have kept in mind what I learned by participating in the workshop, and try to use the methods taught.

Anne W. Ford, MSW, Co-ordinator, Peer Support Programme

Oxford University 
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